Learning Continuity in Basic Education Project

The GPE funded project aimed to enhance access to online and distance learning for students in primary and secondary schools and facilitate a smooth transition in the return to school for targeted vulnerable learners.

The project had three components:

1. Expanding existing remote learning opportunities for learning continuity for all students undergoing basic education.

2. Facilitating smooth transition back to school for vulnerable students and girls (Post Covid 19 learning interruption)

3. Project Coordination, Communication, and Monitoring and Evaluation.
1Design and pilot an online based mental health, psychosocial and spiritual support services
2Build the capacity of guidance and counselling teachers, chaplains and education officials to continually provide psychosocial support to learners and their parents/guardians beyond the project period
3Provide mental health, psychosocial and spiritual support services to learners affected by COVID-19
4Offer mental health, psychosocial and spiritual support to teachers, non-teaching staff and parents in the affected areas.
5Develop and disseminate key child friendly messages on psychosocial wellbeing
Teachers in different school reached
Peer Educators trained and are supporting their peers in school
Parents and non teaching staff received PSS support
Learners reached by peer educators and supported to cope with everyday challenges


1PSS Needs assessment
The study findings showed that both teachers and learners were undergoing very stressful and challenging issues that have resulted in high levels of trauma.

The assessment recommended continued capacity building of Guidance and Counselling teachers, strengthening peer to peer support structures for learners, and equipping parents with skills to be enable them support their children
2E- Learning Platform Developed
The system will continue to be available for the teachers, parents and Chaplains beyond the initial project period ended November 2021
3Training Tools Developed
1. Sensitisation manual for stakeholders
2. Training manual for teachers
3. Training manual for parents
4. Training manual peer educators
5.Training guide for chaplains, Sheiks and Hindu Fraternity
4Radio Talk Shows
LISP partnered with Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) to run series of programs targeting parents.

This entailed hosting live talk shows on topical issues affecting parents and children and which had a direct link to the effects of COVID 19 as well as Psycho-social wellbeing for the children.
7 Programs aired.